Natural Born Killers
  • Weekly TS

  • Weekly TPK

  • All Time TS

  • All Time TPK

  • All Time Loots

  • Total Exp

All Time Records are a combination of all members' individual All Time scores and are not indicative of the clan's performance.


Username Level Rank Profession Weekly TS Weekly TPK Weekly Loots All Time TS All Time TPK All Time Loots GM Gaining Outpost Armor Total Exp Weapon 1 Weapon 2 Weapon 3
A noob 327 Specialist Member N B K Stock Broker 4,483,033 0 24 1,673,595,333 258,673 7,726 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [vengeanceguard 24/24] 11,398,572,257
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[xduskenforcer 8/8/8]

[harvesterofsorrow 6/6/8]
Carl107CT 272 First Class N B K Stock Broker 0 0 0 230,392,818 0 33,063 Yes Yes Camp Valcrest [hazardreactive 24/24] 4,041,809,722
[impalercrossbow 8/8/8]

[fatmanscryothrower 8/8/8]

[harvesterofsorrow 1/8/8]
CHATO90 335 First Class N B K Priest 0 0 0 1,401,619,711 29,160 32,011 No Yes Camp Valcrest [dawnmesh 21/23] 15,609,650,870
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[butchersaw 7/2/5]

[dawnenforcer 8/8/8]
Jr117 325 General Of Army N B K Priest 0 0 0 4,085,252,237 14,078 24,203 No Yes Secronom Bunker [vengeanceguard 24/24] 28,614,467,685
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[dawncarbine 8/8/8]

[xduskstriker 8/8/8]
oscarprox03 325 Assasin N B K Teacher 0 0 0 285,032,213 17,696 15,063 No Yes Camp Valcrest [hazardreactive 20/22] 7,755,544,576
[fatmanscryothrower 8/8/8]

[xduskenforcer 8/8/8]

[hailstormc12 7/8/8]
Paga Tu Mierda 64 First Class N B K Engineer 0 0 0 8,928,372 0 407 No Yes Secronom Bunker [bioreactive 21/15] 35,465,290
[butchersaw 3/7/8]

[survivorsgm94 7/6/7]

[survivorskolt45 8/8/8]
reycrisxd2 238 First Class N B K Stock Broker 0 0 0 178,893,225 4,816 2,128 No Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 21/23] 2,076,175,008
[duskcarbine 8/8/8]

[unlimitedg19 8/8/8]

[duskenforcer 7/7/7]
SICOD3LICO 224 General N B K Lawyer 0 0 0 668,463,490 80 22,200 No Yes Secronom Bunker [duskmesh 20/22] 1,310,255,887
[duskstriker 4/7/8]

[xak47127 8/8/8]

[northpoleaxe 6/6/7]


The list of members and the information on this page may not be 100% accurate all the time. Official Clan Page at