Username | Level | Rank | Profession | Weekly TS | Weekly TPK | Weekly Loots | All Time TS | All Time TPK | All Time Loots | GM | Gaining | Outpost | Armor | Total Exp | Weapon 1 | Weapon 2 | Weapon 3 | |
Acephalos | 54 | sub-teniente | Scavenger | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7,879,887 | 0 | 338 | No | Yes | Secronom Bunker | No Armor | 15,046,121 | No Weapon | No Weapon | No Weapon | |
bombardier herrera | 184 | capitan | Entertainer | 0 | 0 | 0 | 57,244,536 | 682 | 3,024 | Yes | Yes | Precinct 13 | [tatakaureactive 22/14] | 775,332,243 |
[clawshot10 8/8/8] |
[forsakentitaniumblades 8/8/8] |
[hypercoilx1 8/8/8] |
Dako | 206 | Agente | Lumberjack | 0 | 0 | 0 | 329,055,963 | 0 | 116 | Yes | Yes | Secronom Bunker | [shinobumesh 15/17] | 973,515,479 | No Weapon |
[scar9000 5/7/4] |
[haretrigger47 8/7/8] |
psy dazic | 328 | Agente | Priest | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,661,509,566 | 4,936 | 4,210 | No | Yes | Precinct 13 | [tatakaureactive 22/18] | 10,439,364,797 |
[xdusklauncher 7/8/7] |
[forsakentitaniumblades 8/8/8] |
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8] |
Viking BUSHIDO | 122 | Agente | Engineer | 3,487,411 | 0 | 31 | 35,169,011 | 0 | 13,724 | No | Yes | Secronom Bunker | [tatakaureactive 24/04] | 348,323,797 |
[xduskenforcer 5/8/7] |
[santaslittlehelper 8/7/2] |
[raptorx9 8/8/7] |
The list of members and the information on this page may not be 100% accurate all the time. Official Clan Page at