  • Weekly TS

  • Weekly TPK

  • All Time TS

  • All Time TPK

  • All Time Loots

  • Total Exp

All Time Records are a combination of all members' individual All Time scores and are not indicative of the clan's performance.


Username Level Rank Profession Weekly TS Weekly TPK Weekly Loots All Time TS All Time TPK All Time Loots GM Gaining Outpost Armor Total Exp Weapon 1 Weapon 2 Weapon 3
ALBINO 145 Captain Engineer 0 0 0 84,190,380 30 64 No Yes Secronom Bunker [corpsecarapace 24/24] 501,695,885
[corpseblaster 8/8/8]

[chimneysweeper 8/8/8]

[cc12 7/7/7]
Death Z 140 Corporal killmander Priest 0 0 0 102,900,003 1,040 11 No Yes Secronom Bunker [tatakaureactive 23/23] 463,536,653
[amberraider 0/0/0]

[amberraider 8/8/8]

[junker6 8/8/8]
DZD 77 Private Salemander Teacher 0 0 0 12,609,389 0 0 No Yes Secronom Bunker [shinobumesh 23/18] 75,623,203
[survivorsstyertmp 0/0/0]

[worgcarbine 8/8/8]
No Weapon
foxxx 82 Private Salemander Athlete 0 0 0 22,848,529 40 150 No Yes Secronom Bunker [exterminatormesh 23/23] 98,263,386
[hailstormc12 8/8/8]

[santaslittlehelper 8/8/8]

[santasslayer 8/8/8]
jiewww 398 Corporal killmander Stock Broker 0 0 0 2,073,941,459 166,870 48,363 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [vengeanceguard 24/24] 37,961,274,662
[dawncarbine 8/8/8]

[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[hypercoilx1 8/8/8]


The list of members and the information on this page may not be 100% accurate all the time. Official Clan Page at deadfrontier.com