Los Monstruos
  • Weekly TS

  • Weekly TPK

  • All Time TS

  • All Time TPK

  • All Time Loots

  • Total Exp

All Time Records are a combination of all members' individual All Time scores and are not indicative of the clan's performance.


Username Level Rank Profession Weekly TS Weekly TPK Weekly Loots All Time TS All Time TPK All Time Loots GM Gaining Outpost Armor Total Exp Weapon 1 Weapon 2 Weapon 3
Agamenon 212 little monster Guard 0 0 0 126,891,359 6,417 20,559 No Yes Camp Valcrest [duskmesh 24/21] 1,078,672,174
[stockingstuffer 3/8/7]

[commander10 8/8/8]

[xm79 7/8/7]
Akahell 415 Big Monster Criminal 67,388,560 0 1,596 4,349,071,614 40 256,077 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [parasitichusk 24/24] 28,743,981,169
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[bloodseeker 8/8/8]

[dawnsaw 8/8/8]
Andoryu 303 little monster Priest 0 0 0 2,121,949,891 0 15,348 No Yes Camp Valcrest [xduskreactive 24/24] 4,185,666,892
[xduskenforcer 8/8/8]

[fleshseeker 8/8/8]

[xdusklauncher 8/8/8]
Anndie 253 little monster Criminal 0 0 0 149,587,686 1,667 7,651 Yes Yes Camp Valcrest [vengeanceguard 24/24] 2,272,129,270
[impalercrossbow 8/8/8]

[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[fleshseeker 4/4/4]
beescuit 300 little monster Investigator 0 0 0 158,329,321 0 49,012 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [xduskmesh 23/24] 4,015,382,066
[xduskenforcer 5/8/3]

[xduskstriker 5/8/7]

[krakenslayer 8/8/8]
Doctor Bear 289 little monster Student 0 0 0 341,748,693 0 19,944 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 24/24] 3,447,759,209
[tidebreaker 8/8/8]

[impalercrossbow 8/8/8]

[gawbl1n 8/8/8]
Eina 326 little monster Investigator 0 0 0 1,435,353,657 180 64,301 No Yes Secronom Bunker [xduskmesh 22/19] 5,645,629,602
[xduskenforcer 7/7/8]

[xduskstriker 2/8/8]

[harvesterofsorrow 4/8/8]
Elchaja 338 Boss Monster Investigator 0 0 0 1,243,963,773 96 65,628 No Yes Secronom Bunker [xduskmesh 22/15] 9,351,703,425
[eggsterminator 8/8/8]

[silverslugster 4/7/8]
No Weapon
Fatee 217 little monster Lawyer 2,979,371 0 116 228,570,065 0 27,898 No Yes Secronom Bunker [shinobumesh 24/22] 1,140,136,030
[tidebreaker 4/4/8]

[amberraider 8/8/8]

[xm79 8/8/8]
G R I M 366 little monster Lawyer 0 0 0 1,018,257,104 940 15,821 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [dawnmesh 24/24] 11,430,769,064
[pierceshot33p 8/2/8]

[scourgeshot10 8/8/8]

[fleshreaver 8/8/8]
gatochon 370 little monster Accountant 0 0 0 1,859,487,306 706 85,950 Yes Yes Camp Valcrest [xduskreactive 24/18] 11,860,208,880
[harvesterofsorrow 7/8/8]

[frostshotfx50 6/8/8]

[pocketcannon 8/8/8]
gdp66 258 little monster Hunter 0 0 0 126,470,183 0 4,770 No Yes Secronom Bunker No Armor 2,140,347,784 No Weapon
[577rex 8/8/8]

[577rex 8/8/8]
getalife 256 Monster Athlete 669,782 0 11 154,316,202 2,660 20,668 No Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 21/22] 2,200,888,741
[handtalon38 8/8/5]

[haretrigger47 7/7/7]

[butchersaw 8/8/7]
JedYow 149 little monster Lawyer 0 0 0 128,835,337 0 3,136 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [nomadmesh 00/00] 527,998,080
[harvesterofsorrow 5/7/3]

[butchersaw 8/1/3]

[worgcarbine 7/1/3]
Kryptor 325 el Monstruo Priest 0 0 0 11,592,594,004 247,102 19,415 Yes Yes Precinct 13 [scavengermesh 24/24] 106,676,451,967
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[amputator 8/8/8]

[gutsplitter 4/7/6]
Luke25 372 Big Monster Doctor 0 0 0 2,347,237,467 6,867 58,568 No Yes Camp Valcrest [vengeanceguard 24/16] 15,134,191,604
[rusthound37e 8/8/8]

[xduskstriker 4/8/8]

[dawnsabre 7/7/7]
MRSDRAA 222 little monster Lawyer 0 0 0 318,538,400 106 4,290 No Yes Camp Valcrest [xterminatormesh 23/24] 1,306,520,216
[uwraithcannon 8/7/7]

[duskenforcer 8/6/4]

[dusklauncher 5/5/6]
mtyvnela 106 little monster Lawyer 0 0 0 79,265,745 0 4,841 No Yes Secronom Bunker [shinobumesh 21/15] 228,957,384
[harvesterofsorrow 3/8/8]

[commander10 8/8/8]

[usan12 8/8/8]
PH JohnDex 271 little monster Athlete 9,293,082 0 107 809,493,150 258 22,874 No Yes Camp Valcrest [duskmesh 23/14] 2,624,036,731
[butchersaw 7/2/7]

[duskenforcer 8/6/8]

[duskstriker 4/8/1]
RasRangerSuperOmega 301 little monster Entertainer 0 0 0 390,411,072 500 28,189 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [xduskreactive 23/22] 4,153,022,082 No Weapon No Weapon
[barnellrf31crossbow 6/7/8]
runner 24 233 little monster Athlete 0 0 0 226,260,393 0 6,103 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [duskmesh 19/21] 1,435,456,975
[duskenforcer 4/5/8]

[duskstriker 8/1/7]

[dusklauncher 4/8/6]
sara 301 little monster Lawyer 0 0 0 524,307,771 3,216 58,738 No Yes Camp Valcrest [xduskreactive 23/20] 4,870,455,959
[xduskstriker 8/4/8]

[harvesterofsorrow 7/6/5]

[dawnenforcer 8/7/8]
Sexxpistol 232 little monster Investigator 0 0 0 153,053,213 0 22,197 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 19/23] 1,408,812,466
[hypercoilx1 4/4/4]

[krakenslayer 8/8/8]

[handtalon55 4/6/7]
Speece 342 little monster Priest 0 0 0 1,495,907,441 50 53,306 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [xduskmesh 23/23] 7,130,538,414
[barnellrf31crossbow 1/8/7]

[marauder55 8/8/8]

[sandscorcher 8/8/8]
SrMeyThiuwer1 300 little monster Lawyer 0 0 0 270,242,067 880 26,434 No Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 23/18] 4,165,888,671
[fleshseeker 3/6/7]

[tidebreaker 8/2/4]
No Weapon
stren22 216 little monster Athlete 0 0 0 84,988,071 0 2,041 No Yes Secronom Bunker [duskmesh 23/15] 1,127,370,273
[firepoker 8/8/8]

[gawbl1n 8/8/5]

[frostshotfx50 5/8/6]
Suguyui 270 little monster Lawyer 0 0 0 228,206,851 0 32,067 No Yes Camp Valcrest [duskmesh 22/24] 2,588,792,374
[duskenforcer 7/4/7]

[duskstriker 7/8/7]

[harvesterofsorrow 5/7/7]
SuperVegetto 348 Big Monster Investigator 630,732,647 0 533 2,072,445,719 0 118,974 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [xduskmesh 24/23] 9,001,897,813
[xduskstriker 8/8/8]

[handtalon55 8/7/8]

[frostshotfx50 4/8/8]
tito argus 105 little monster Soldier 0 0 0 40,193,437 0 2,370 No Yes Secronom Bunker [shinobumesh 23/18] 223,245,448
[hareraiser 4/6/7]

[frostshotfx50 6/5/7]

[junker6 7/5/5]


The list of members and the information on this page may not be 100% accurate all the time. Official Clan Page at deadfrontier.com