Username | Level | Rank | Profession | Weekly TS | Weekly TPK | Weekly Loots | All Time TS | All Time TPK | All Time Loots | GM | Gaining | Outpost | Armor | Total Exp | Weapon 1 | Weapon 2 | Weapon 3 | |
Hellgates | 325 | Housekeeper | Priest | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3,787,274,615 | 36,869 | 42,747 | No | Yes | Secronom Bunker | Life Insurance [vengeanceguard 23/23] | 25,255,392,758 |
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8] |
[xduskenforcer 8/8/8] |
[northpoleaxe 5/5/8] |
jusjusjus22 | 303 | All Mighty Noob | Engineer | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,117,648,320 | 1,576 | 0 | Yes | Yes | Fort Pastor | [hazardreactive 22/22] | 6,222,570,369 |
[xduskenforcer 8/8/8] |
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8] |
[haresplitter 6/7/8] |
mrkjk | 415 | Pistol Runnner | Scavenger | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6,209,404,754 | 489 | 21,455 | No | Yes | Camp Valcrest | [parasitichusk 24/24] | 19,124,252,608 |
[impalercrossbow 8/8/7] |
[dawnmag 8/8/8] |
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8] |
NickX64 | 234 | Pistol Runnner | Lawyer | 0 | 0 | 0 | 354,776,888 | 0 | 8,570 | No | Yes | Secronom Bunker | No Armor | 2,064,261,901 | No Weapon | No Weapon | No Weapon | |
Striker14 | 359 | Total Dick | Teacher | 45,119,403 | 0 | 1 | 1,145,781,182 | 14,622 | 33,533 | Yes | Yes | Precinct 13 | [dawnreactive 24/24] | 13,454,795,434 |
[fleshseeker 8/8/8] |
[warhawkx10 8/8/8] |
[dawnlauncher 8/8/8] |
Zar Roc Ss | 227 | Total Dick | Priest | 0 | 0 | 0 | 563,285,545 | 1,272 | 0 | No | Yes | Secronom Bunker | [tatakaureactive 23/22] | 1,614,732,735 |
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8] |
[rusthound37e 8/8/8] |
[junker6 7/7/8] |
The list of members and the information on this page may not be 100% accurate all the time. Official Clan Page at