Username | Level | Rank | Profession | Weekly TS | Weekly TPK | Weekly Loots | All Time TS | All Time TPK | All Time Loots | GM | Gaining | Outpost | Armor | Total Exp | Weapon 1 | Weapon 2 | Weapon 3 | |
DomRodri | 293 | Captain | Soldier | 0 | 0 | 0 | 416,529,206 | 2,806 | 12,344 | Yes | Yes | Camp Valcrest | [vengeanceguard 24/24] | 3,657,253,518 |
[krakenslayer 8/8/8] |
[fleshseeker 8/8/8] |
[hypercoilx1 8/8/8] |
Otis789 | 223 | General | Lawyer | 0 | 0 | 0 | 352,855,106 | 120 | 6,758 | Yes | Yes | Secronom Bunker | [vengeanceguard 24/24] | 1,238,125,656 |
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8] |
[krakenslayer 8/8/8] |
[tidebreaker 8/8/8] |
The list of members and the information on this page may not be 100% accurate all the time. Official Clan Page at