Cazadores Nocturnos
  • Weekly TS

  • Weekly TPK

  • All Time TS

  • All Time TPK

  • All Time Loots

  • Total Exp

All Time Records are a combination of all members' individual All Time scores and are not indicative of the clan's performance.


Username Level Rank Profession Weekly TS Weekly TPK Weekly Loots All Time TS All Time TPK All Time Loots GM Gaining Outpost Armor Total Exp Weapon 1 Weapon 2 Weapon 3
Bjorn lothbrok 369 Captain Priest 0 0 0 3,632,815,111 220,175 88,629 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [dawnmeshtype2 24/24] 37,266,456,624
[dawncarbine 8/8/8]

[dawnlauncher 8/8/8]

[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]
CMP RG 224 General Lawyer 0 0 0 125,552,529 40 1,405 No Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 20/21] 1,259,885,717
[butchersaw 4/7/4]

[firepoker 7/8/8]

[haretrigger47 7/8/8]
Latin Strike 335 Captain Lawyer 31,093 0 0 560,215,900 2,502 16,664 No Yes Secronom Bunker [dawnreactive 24/24] 8,449,628,244
[fleshreaver 8/8/8]

[sandscorcher 8/8/8]

[marauder55 8/8/8]
loretto19 68 Private Lawyer 0 0 0 20,060,798 0 380 No Yes Secronom Bunker [tatakaureactive 20/14] 46,243,849
[acebarrelgz3 8/7/8]

[ironsight33f 8/8/8]

[survivorschainsaw 6/8/8]
Mama Coco 208 Corporal Priest 0 0 0 389,791,177 0 2,848 No Yes Secronom Bunker [tatakaureactive 20/20] 1,015,156,374
[stockingstuffer 0/0/0]

[pocketcannon 8/8/8]

[xm25 8/8/8]
Migu3lkiller 222 Corporal Lawyer 0 0 0 72,760,404 80 510 No Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 24/19] 1,328,111,073
[frostshotfx50 7/5/8]

[dusklauncher 6/8/8]

[silverslugster 6/8/8]
shockwave2012 212 Private Engineer 0 0 0 71,159,115 93 11,607 No Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 16/14] 1,073,719,650
[impalercrossbow 4/8/8]

[duskstriker 8/7/6]

[duskenforcer 8/7/7]
VRN 116 Private Priest 0 0 0 46,691,713 12 4,000 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [shinobumesh 19/23] 300,840,809
[impalercrossbow 8/8/8]

[hypercoilx1 7/8/7]

[northpoleaxe 7/7/6]


The list of members and the information on this page may not be 100% accurate all the time. Official Clan Page at