Hopeless Bastards
  • Weekly TS

  • Weekly TPK

  • All Time TS

  • All Time TPK

  • All Time Loots

  • Total Exp

All Time Records are a combination of all members' individual All Time scores and are not indicative of the clan's performance.


Username Level Rank Profession Weekly TS Weekly TPK Weekly Loots All Time TS All Time TPK All Time Loots GM Gaining Outpost Armor Total Exp Weapon 1 Weapon 2 Weapon 3
BliTzCriG13 276 Sometimes i find stuff Hunter 5,416,013 0 1,872 499,937,509 0 62,592 Yes Yes Camp Valcrest [duskreactive 21/13] 2,856,308,893
[impalercrossbow 8/8/7]

[xeggsplodermm1 8/8/8]

[eggsterminator 8/8/8]
Cryovin 299 Sometimes i find stuff Investigator 5,636,393 0 260 839,259,346 1,660 19,421 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 24/20] 4,580,560,311
[wyvernrx8 8/8/8]

[cyclonex150 8/8/8]

[valkyriemgl 8/8/8]
GeneralDemonLord 142 Sometimes i find stuff Lawyer 0 0 0 33,956,686 700 7,154 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [tatakaureactive 23/16] 483,011,240
[xgarand14mm 8/8/8]

[cryolauncher 8/8/8]

[silverslugster 3/5/7]
HardcoreMKII 256 Scavenger Lawyer 57,467,766 0 698 628,286,367 7,180 71,976 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [dawnmeshtype2 22/24] 2,303,887,457
[barnellrf31crossbow 8/8/8]

[butchersaw 8/8/8]

[commander10 8/8/8]
Hetfield 262 Sometimes i find stuff Priest 126,719,645 0 3,615 148,599,568 101 25,049 Yes No Precinct 13 [duskmesh 24/24] 2,284,254,984
[vindicatorm50 8/8/8]

[commander10 8/8/8]

[falconmm1 8/8/8]
iSaith 352 Officer Priest 560,723,370 0 9,038 3,723,889,082 0 83,403 Yes No Precinct 13 [dawnmeshtype2 24/24] 7,835,216,851
[hornetyj9 8/8/8]

[fleshreaver 8/8/8]

[dawnlauncher 8/8/8]
KillerDoll 178 Sometimes i find stuff Engineer 28,634,080 0 4,175 81,949,638 0 22,947 Yes No Camp Valcrest [shinobumesh 19/18] 734,107,254
[barnellrf31crossbow 8/8/8]

[gawbl1n 8/8/8]

[xeggsplodermm1 8/8/8]
Matias MacLeod 220 Scavenger Scavenger 0 0 0 355,567,926 0 15,914 Yes Yes Camp Valcrest [shinobumesh 22/24] 1,185,891,783
[harvesterofsorrow 7/8/7]

[falconmm1 8/8/8]

[commander10 4/4/4]
Psychotic Renegade 249 Scavenger Scavenger 5,944,086 0 207 156,701,838 35,185 20,679 Yes Yes Camp Valcrest [vengeanceguard 23/24] 2,318,189,958
[impalercrossbow 8/8/8]

[sandscorcher 8/8/8]

[commander10 8/8/8]
Reyven 347 Scavenger Scavenger 195,258,843 0 1,559 716,453,419 1,320 45,503 Yes No Secronom Bunker [vengeanceguard 24/24] 15,211,482,961
[harvesterofsorrow 0/0/0]

[dawnstriker 8/8/8]

[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]
Sayonara 341 Officer Investigator 0 0 0 15,193,959,139 55,522 39,412 Yes Yes Precinct 13 King`s Stronghold [vengeanceguard 24/24] 27,975,520,644
[commander10 7/8/8]

[xdusklauncher 8/8/8]

[marauder55 8/8/8]
Shippo15 240 Veteran Hunter 31,336,654 0 1,645 80,897,776 1,166 43,520 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [vengeanceguard 24/24] 1,618,620,196
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[pocketcannon 8/8/8]

[vindicatorm50 8/8/8]
Sleesh 365 The Bastard Investigator 128,561,212 0 3,451 2,412,827,715 61,590 162,211 Yes Yes Camp Valcrest The Great Wall of Trump [vengeanceguard 24/24] 13,653,230,404
[fleshreaver 8/8/8]

[dawnstriker 8/8/8]

[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]
The Devils Reject 348 Officer Scavenger 56,513,508 0 1,609 3,167,410,612 40 102,486 Yes No Secronom Bunker [xduskreactive 24/24] 13,435,034,730
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[dawnenforcer 8/8/8]

[xdusklauncher 8/8/8]
THEMFuCK 336 Veteran Engineer 17,602,278 0 903 843,952,356 9,706 215,618 Yes Yes Camp Valcrest [xduskreactive 24/23] 12,747,207,420
[dawnsaw 8/8/8]

[butchersaw 8/8/8]

[dawnenforcer 8/8/8]
thomasyehty 250 Scavenger Lawyer 35,330,873 0 3,516 410,360,257 443 49,108 Yes No Camp Valcrest [duskmesh 24/24] 1,900,195,105
[barnellrf31crossbow 8/8/8]

[chimneysweeper 8/8/8]

[valkyriemgl 8/8/8]
V089X 287 Officer Lawyer 73,020,734 0 1,337 281,200,619 20 76,233 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [vengeanceguard 24/24] 4,136,623,650
[commander10 8/8/8]

[rusthound37e 8/8/8]

[cryolauncher 8/8/8]
whiskeyneat 330 Officer Scavenger 17,966,893 0 4,048 1,100,411,958 80 212,029 Yes No Secronom Bunker [vengeanceguard 24/10] 10,213,207,301
[tempest 8/5/5]

[impalercrossbow 6/8/6]

[cryolauncher 6/5/5]
zTheBeast 137 Probation Priest 3,448,293 0 573 42,514,686 0 11,426 Yes No Camp Valcrest [nomadmesh 23/10] 452,099,947
[vssvintorez 8/8/8]

[impalercrossbow 8/8/8]

[m16 8/8/8]


The list of members and the information on this page may not be 100% accurate all the time. Official Clan Page at deadfrontier.com